NEUROSTABIL Artlife (in English)


  • Neurostabil has a mild sedative effect on the central nervous system, relieves nervous irritability, improves sleep, quality and duration of sleep;
  • Neurostabil has a moderate hypotensive, analgesic, anticonvulsant, hyposensitizing, anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Neurostabil has a slight cardiotonic effect, increases the strength of heart contractions, contributes to the normalization of heart rhythm with tachycardia, electrolyte balance in cardiomyocytes;
  • Neurostabil has a positive effect on metabolic processes, especially on the regulation of fat, mineral and water metabolism;
  • Neurostabil also helps to improve the processes of regeneration (healing) of the epidermis of the skin, mucous membranes, blood vessels, hair follicles;
  • Neurostabil relieves spasms and normalizes intestinal activity.
  • Neurostabil has a high therapeutic activity due to the pronounced sedative and neurotropic action of its extracts of medicinal plants, which are widely used in traditional and official medicine. So, for example, sedative action of motherwort, peony root, hops is 2-3 times more effective than valerian, when they are taken, positive dynamics of clinical indicators are found both in functional disorders of the nervous system, vegetative dystonia, tachycardia, and in patients with hypertension, angina, cardiosclerosis.

The modern world and lifestyle, the need to make difficult decisions, the lack of social stability put our body in very harsh conditions. All this imposes extremely high demands on the physiological systems that ensure the protection and adaptation of the individual.

The combination of frequently repeated psychogenic factors with certain personality traits, which determine an insufficient level of psychological protection to various types of stress, leads, as a rule, to the development of neuroses. Neuroses are borderline psychogenic (conflict-prone) diseases with a tendency (in the absence of adequate treatment) to a protracted course. In these conditions, any means that helps in maintaining physiological life support systems at the proper level are at the same time means of preventing stress-induced somatic diseases. Pharmaceutical and phytotherapy cannot completely replace psychotherapy, however, they provide the pathogenetic approach, which is implemented in the following main areas:

  • elimination of increased excitability of the nervous system, removal of anxiety, fears, normalization of sleep;
  • recovery of mood, mental and physical performance, improved attention and memory;
  • elimination of hypoxia of cells, first of all, of the brain, normalization of metabolic and redox processes in the body.

The phytotherapeutic approach, according to the leading phytopharmacologists, has a number of serious advantages in the treatment and prevention of neurotic conditions over chemotherapy. In one herbal remedy, practically all the main directions of pathogenetic therapy can be implemented in combination with symptomatic effects on the functions of the internal organs. At the same time, the principle of individual selection and dosing of drugs is easily achieved, and the pharmacological compatibility of the active ingredients is more reliably controlled. And finally, the naturopathic approach can provide the necessary duration of treatment, avoiding the addiction and numerous side effects inherent in the overwhelming majority of synthetic drugs.

Among medicinal plants, peony, passionflower, motherwort, valerian, hops, willow herb, oregano have the most pronounced sedative, psycho-stabilizing and hypnotic effects. Practically all of them are introduced into the neurostabil anti-stress complex. The sedative effect of this phytocomplex is supplemented by the therapeutic properties of glutamic acid, which normalizes biochemical processes in brain cells and protects against peroxidation, improves their nutrition and prevents the development of seizures, a balanced set of vitamins necessary for vital activity of nerve cells, as well as essential minerals (potassium, magnesium) ensuring the normal functioning of cell membranes and a persistent neuroprotective effect. 

neurostabil artlife